Lent: penitence, embodiment, repair

Begins Ash Wednesday, 2/22/2023

Sundays at 9:30am

Lent is a time of penitence and remembering our mortality, yes, but this is actually a liberating invitation to see that being sinners doesn't make us unlovable: it means we aren't God. God saves us. We don't. We are obligated to do the work of loving mercy and doing justice and we are liberated in knowing our limits.

So we gather, as we always do, to remember God's goodness, that God made us for joy, and that God gives Her very body for our food.

To this end, we will spend some time in intentional formation after church learning about HOLY EMBODIMENT and what a holistic, liberated, evidence-based and gentle approach to loving our bodies can look like as Christians.

  • Holy Embodiment Part 1: Your Body is a Gift from God

    Join us after church for:

    Reflections on Genesis 1 & God making all things GOOD

    Practical ideas for parenting/re-parenting ourselves with gentle, curious, grateful words for our bodies

    Sunday 2/26/23

    Click here for the Week One Handout

  • Holy Embodiment Part 2: Consent is Yours to Give

    We’ll study Luke 1:26 - 38 (The Annunciation)

    And talk about ways to teach and receive consent starting from infancy onwards.

    Sunday 3/5/23

  • Holy Embodiment Part 3: bodies are made for connection

    Join us after church as we look at 1 Corinthians 12 and the Eucharistic theology that threads us together as bodies in a BODY.

    Sunday 3/19/23

  • Holy Embodiment Part 4: The Body of Grace

    Our last reflection (for now) will dwell in knowing your body is a gift, and is yours, and is made for connection, means we can receive receive God’s grace.

    Grace is a transformation we receive as Christians when we know we are significant & wanted (to paraphrase Archbishop Rowan Williams). Join us for a body prayer and Q&A session Sunday 3/26/23