Jubilee was founded in the summer of 2022 to meet a hunger for a justice-seeking, Christ-loving, joy-effusing church with ancient roots and modern sensibilities.
Jubilee’s first public worship service was a Pride Eucharist held at Pink Flamingo Plant Company on August 21, 2022.
“Jubilee” is a word that not only means celebration, but also reflects a year of liberation, restoration, sabbath, and joy as commanded by God in Scripture.
The Jubilee year took place every 50 years as one whole year set aside for extravagant feasting, debt release, community tending, and ensuring that those who have nothing to eat are fed from a bountiful table.
We strive to embody the spirit of Jubilee in our common life, worship, and community care, because Jubilee reminds us that God’s justice is first rooted in God’s joy.
In a time of great cynicism, oppression, and despair, our prayer for our world and our community is rooted in our name: that God may shield the joyous.
We’ve seen the hunger in our community for this church in explosive growth in our first year; we started meeting in a living room and six months in signed a lease at the corner of Lake Creek Parkway and FM 620.
“Keep watch, dear Lord, with those who work, or watch, or weep this night, and give your angels charge over those who sleep. Tend the sick, Lord Christ; give rest to the weary, bless the dying, soothe the suffering, pity the afflicted, shield the joyous; and all for your love's sake. Amen.”
Book of Common Prayer, page 134
What can I expect in church?
We celebrate "Holy Eucharist" which means a sacred giving of thanks every week. (You can watch past livestreams of our worship services here on YouTube).
Church service lasts about an hour, and there is no dress code. Seriously. Our Vicar has been known to wear tutus in the pulpit - come in your bedazzled best or last night's sweatpants, God is delighted in you either way.
Our services have some prayers that are written down for everyone to say together aloud or quietly, we sing songs (a blend of traditional hymns and modern music), we hear some stories from the Bible and a sermon that invites us into deeper mystery in our walk with God.
Then we share in a ritual meal of bread and wine, where we remember Christ gave his life for us to have life, and life abundant. All are welcome to receive communion. The final words of the service are when the priest says: "Alleluia, alleluia, go in peace to love and serve the Lord!" and everyone responds, "thanks be to God, alleluia, alleluia!" The people have the final word - and it is one of JOY and service.
First off: we welcome and cherish the sounds of kids in worship. This is a wiggle-friendly, child-cherishing place.
We have a pray ground for kids under 5 to play during worship; it is separated from the sanctuary space by a half-wall so kids can still see and hear what is going on (and caregivers are welcome to stay with them or sit in the sanctuary). The pray-ground itself is a dedicated corner of the sanctuary that is designed for children to play and pray with age-appropriate materials to spark their curiosity about God, church, and the world.
Children over 5 are welcome to train and serve as acolytes, which means leaders in the service. They assist the priest in getting the Table ready for Holy Eucharist, starting worship by leading a procession with a cross and a Bible..
As Episcopalians, our Baptismal Covenant means we promise to strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being, with God's help.
The Episcopal Church traces its roots back to the Church of England in the 1500s, the Scottish Episcopal Church, and all the way back to the Apostles in the time of Jesus. We are a part of the worldwide Anglican Communion.
Our faith life is grounded in the three-legged stool of tradition, reason and experience, and Scripture. We keep the Sacraments. We know God is still unfolding new mercies and we hold fast to ancient ways of gathering and serving -- including the ancient way of empowering people of all genders to lead.
You can learn more about our life-giving, liberating, loving tradition here!
We meet in our leased property, Unit 310 in Lake Creek Square. It may not look like a traditional church from the parking lot but we promise you, the church is not a building - the church is a people - and we fill our church building and people with love! You can park anywhere in the complex and our space is fully ADA compliant with gender-neutral, single-stall bathrooms replete with a changing table and hospitality toiletries for all.
We do a beautiful fusion of traditional Episcopal hymnody (“My Shepherd Shall Supply my Need” is a fave), more modern hymns from the last century, and contemporary music that is thoughtful about how we gender God and each other. We’re blessed to have a wildly talented Music Minister, Carly, who is also a songwriter and shares her gifts with us. She also captains a band of volunteer musicians who are amazing - vocalists, pianist, and occasional percussion. You can see a playlist of all songs we’re doing in worship right now here.