Holy Week keeps time with Jesus in His Passion

All of Holy Week centers around keeping time with Jesus in his walk to the cross, his death, and his resurrection.

One week before he died, he triumphantly entered Jerusalem; for this, we keep Palm Sunday (9:30am Sunday 4/2/23 ).

We begin the service with joy and waving palms like the crowds that welcomed Jesus...and we end in "the Passion," a phrase that encompasses the total narrative of the events that led to Jesus' execution.

Later that week - on Maundy Thursday (7pm Thurs 4/6/23) - he gathered his beloveds to dine and to instate a New Covenant: this was his last meal, which we remember and embody every Sunday in the Holy Eucharist. In John's Gospel, there is no bread and wine but Jesus instead washes his disciples' feet -- so on Maundy Thursday we also wash each other's feet (as one feels comfortable & consents) in remembrance of him.

The altar is then stripped, and we behold a barren sanctuary as Jesus waits in the garden, praying, until the wee hours when he will be arrested.

On Good Friday (12noon Fri 4/7/23) we gather for it was at noon Jesus was hung upon the cross.

We do not consume the blessed sacrament of Holy Eucharist, instead bearing witness to a full cross and a full tomb- full of God's love and sacrifice for and with us.

"There was evening

and there was morning: the first day."

The main event is the Easter Vigil (8pm Saturday 4/8/23).

As Christ rises from the grave deep in the darkness between sunset and sunrise early on the first day of the week, so too we gather to behold a dark and empty and beautiful tomb. This is the most ancient of Christian services. It is wild.

There is fire. It lasts a couple of hours. It’s wild and campy and so powerful.

Easter Sunday - 10am worship, 11:15am Egg Hunt on 4/9/23

Lent is over -and we ring bells and we flower the cross because of God's creativity, creation laughs at the instruments of death.Death has lost. And we shout together: Alleluia! The Lord is risen! The Lord is risen indeed, Alleluia!